Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The new little boy! Korlen

Yesterday Kasey and Lorenzo had there little boy. He was born at 8:14 he weights 6 pounds 12 ounces, 20 inches long. He is my mom's first grand-baby so he is going to be spoiled but that's OK.

My 21st Birthday

January 12 was my 21st Birthday. I have such a sweet husband, I didn't work that day of course so when he got home from class he woke me up this gorgeous bouquet of flowers. He's so good to me.

They are so pretty!!! Thanks Babe.

Bakers Field Cali.

The week after Christmas Kris and I went with his family to Bakers Field to see some of his family. It was good we had lots of fun. I enjoyed meeting his family I have never meet them
before it was good to see them.

I didn't get any pictures of the family, This was on the drive there.

The drive back home is a different story. We were in a car wreak a 11 car pill up. Well Ill start at the first.About 20 min, before the wreck we stoped to stretch our legs and the babies needed a diaper change. Alex the 2 year old wanted to ride with grandma Cindy (Kris's Mom). They moved his car seat into his parents car, Aleana(Kris's little sis) got in with me and kris. Derek and Britney have a 3 month old too Aaron and he still needed his diaper changed so Kris his parents and I hit the road. Derek and Brit should will catch up. 20 min later we got in a pill up. We were care-a-vanning, So we hit his parents and someone hit up they were the 9 car and we were the 10 car. We were in a construction zone and everyone stoped we still don't know why. We hit his parents going about 50 MPH. The people behind us hit about 55 we think. Kris and I were in a seat belt but his little sister wasn't. She hit me seat hard, everyone has some whip lash but we were OK. Derek and Brit missed the wreck by about 10 min so I guess you can be grateful for a dirty diaper.

The white car is what Kris and I were in. The gray car is his parents.

The car that is under the other one that is who hit us. The back end of my car.

We hit his parents hard!

Kris got hurt the most out of the deal. His seat belt did lock and his head hit the steering wheel. He had two black eyes and cuts on his face (by his nose) from the lases. Pictures don't give his justice


I haven't up dated my blog forever, so I have lots to talk about. We go are tree up early this year it turned out really good, I love it.

What a good guy helping me with the tree.
I hate putting the lights on so he did that part.

Holidays we great. We had lots of family here. Pat and Bridgette we here with there cute kids. Darci, Gary and Ross we here to it was great to see them. I miss you guys already.

Savi opening his present he was so excited.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy 21st Birthday Babe

Thursday the 13 of November was Kris's Birthday he's 21!!! We didn't really celebrate his birthday tell the weekend. Saturday we went down to St. George and had the condos for the weekend. His parents have time share so they got a room for us. We had a blast, sat by the pool and got some sun. It's so nice to get out of cedar even if it is just St. George. Happy Birthday Kris I love ya!!!
Kris and me in St. Geroge at the condos.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


At work we all dressed up for Halloween. Since we are phebotmist we thought it would be funny to dress up as vampires. Whitney, Dani and I did it turned out so good we had so much fun getting ready.

I did scared a little boy I felt bad.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Thursday night I went to thriller in Tuacon with all the girls. We had so much fun, the dancing was amazing. I loved it!!! I will have to go again next year.

Yep! Thats Matt Daymond. Wow he is such a good dancer, I loved him in So you think you can dance. He was amazing in Thriller we made sure we got a picture with him.
Whit and Carly loved the zombes